Taming the sinister side of artificial intelligence

The emergence of generative AI (GenAI) promises to create efficiencies in our workspace, but it’s easy to forget the more sinister objectives cybercriminals use it for. Bad actors are leveraging AI to create new and damaging ransomware attacks.

A crucial element of defending against ransomware is ensuring your customers data is properly protected.

Since ransomware attacks are designed to take systems offline and encrypt data, organizations must ensure that they have an immutable, secure backup solution in place to restore their data without paying a ransom.

Key takeaways you'll gain include:

  • Today’s ransomware threat landscape
  • The rise of GenAI and its impact on ransomware
  • Why your customers’ data is an attractive target for attackers
  • How to protect your customers’ data from AI-powered ransomware attacks

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Charlie Smith

Consulting Solutions Architect
Barracuda Networks