Under the XDR Hood: Dissecting detection and response

In this eye-opening session, you will witness firsthand how Extended Detection and Response (XDR) platforms operate in live environments to identify and neutralize threats.

We’ll explore the intricate detection categories pivotal to the XDR platform, such as event correlation, threshold-based detection, custom query, machine learning, and indicator match, but also highlight the real time Automated Blocking capabilities integral to XDR’s proactive defense strategy.

Adam Khan, VP of Global Security Operations at Barracuda, will showcase the seamless integration and efficiency of the XDR platform in detecting diverse threats and executing immediate automated responses to secure customers' assets against sophisticated cyber-attacks.

Webinar highlights:

  • Gain a clear, visual understanding of the mechanisms that drive powerful XDR platforms
  • Witness a simulated attack and discover how Barracuda XDR efficiently detects the threat and significantly reduces response time
  • Discover the future of cybersecurity defense
  • Find out how you can implement these tools to safeguard your clients

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Adam Khan

VP, Global Security Operations
Barracuda MSP