Cyber Warranty: What it is, and what it’s not

As successful cyberattacks become more frequent and expensive, many managed service providers (MSPs) are looking to safeguard their clients from financial losses associated with cyberattacks.

Barracuda recently partnered with Cork, a cyber warranty company, to provide a new service offering, the Barracuda Cyber Warranty, which is specifically tailored for MSPs and their clients.

To better understand what the cyber warranty entails and how it differs from cyber insurance, join our experts, JP Kehoe and Carlson Choi, as they share the use cases for this new offering and answer the most frequently asked questions.


  • The difference between cyber warranty and cyber insurance
  • The benefits of Barracuda Cyber Warranty for MSPs and their customers
  • How Cyber Warranty offers a new revenue stream for MSPs

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JP Kehoe

VP of Sales, XDR
Barracuda MSP


Carlson Choi
