Insuring confidence: Barracuda's guide to cyber insurance requirements

Thursday 28th March

About the webinar:

The security of your IT estate and your data remains under threat. It’s now a given that organisations must protect themselves from attacks, breaches, and data loss or data leakage. But in addition to cyber security applications and tools, there is another essential part of cyber security strategy that shouldn’t be overlooked — cyber insurance.

Join Barracuda experts on Thursday 28th March at 2pm GMT for insights into:

  • The importance of cyber insurance in today’s threat landscape.
  • How to navigate insurer requirements, including:
    • Email security requirements
    • Application security requirements
    • Data protection requirements
  • How Barracuda’s solutions align with insurer requirements.

Don’t miss this comprehensive session on what cyber insurance is, why you might need it, and what you’ll need to do to qualify.

We look forward to welcoming you to the webinar.


Adam Searcy
XDR Product Marketing Manager
Stefan van der Wal
Application Security Sales Engineer
Charlie Smith
Consulting Solutions Architect

Register here: