Cyber Insurance – meeting App Sec requirements

25th August
Available on-demand

Event Summary Title

Insurance companies are seeing an increase in the number of claims due to losses incurred by ransomware attacks.

Insurers are now raising the bar on the security standards required to purchase cyber insurance, but many organisations are struggling to meet these new requirements. A risk control that insurers are focusing on at present includes having Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) in place for higher risk websites, failure to comply with this can lead to marked increases in premiums, reduced coverage and in some cases, insurers declining to quote or provide renewal terms.

Join our webinar on the 25th August at 10am BST where we’ll cover:

  • IT security expectations from insurance companies.
  • Ransomware threat landscape.
  • Common web application vulnerabilities, such as bot attacks, API security flaws, supply chain attacks.
  • How a WAF can secure your organisation from these vulnerabilities and keep cyber insurers happy.
Stefan van der Wal
Consulting Solutions Architect