From cyber risk to cyber resilience: Insights from Barracuda's CIO and CISO

August 20, 2024
Available on-demand

About this webinar:

See what IT security leaders from around the world are saying about current cybersecurity governance challenges and their ability to address risk, vulnerabilities, and attacks.

Don’t miss the findings in Barracuda’s new CIO report: Leading your business through cyber risk.

Get a firsthand look at all the latest data and details:

  • How obstacles related to security policies, third-party access, and supply chains could impact the ability to respond to cyberattacks
  • The top security strategies and solutions businesses can use to prepare for, withstand, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity incidents
  • Why many organizations find it hard to implement company-wide security policies, such as authentication measures and access control

Join Barracuda’s CIO and CISO for analysis and insight about the report, including a look at the comprehensive cyber resilience checklist with the specific and strategic steps business leaders can take to help navigate their way to resilience.

Our Speakers:

Siroui Mushegian
Chief Information Officer
Barracuda Networks
Riaz Lakhani
Barracuda Networks

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