Data Loss Protection: Protecting sensitive and intellectual data in a Cloud-First world

February 15, 2024
Available on-demand

About this webinar:

Storing files and information in Cloud environment has become a necesscity in place of maintaining physical infrastructure on-premise, driven by lower IT spend on storage resources in a Cloud environment. This trend of cloud first is expected to grow at a staggering 25% CAGR.

The ease of storing unlimited volumes of information in Cloud Storage systems like OneDrive gives way to potential exposure of sensitive and confidential information to outsiders. It has become important than ever to make sure that the data stored in Cloud Storage systems are inspected and any potential Data Loss alerted before the damage can take effect.

Scenarios like:

  • Accidental exposure of Intellectual Property
  • Malware creep in Cloud storage
  • Inappropriate external sharing of files

must be, and can be avoided through proactive use of DLP tools like Barracuda Data Inspector.

Join us in this webinar on Data Loss Protection and Prevention, to learn how to safeguard your corporate information.

Our Speaker:

Aravinth Ramachandran
Director, SW Engineering (Email Protection, CASB)
Barracuda Networks

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