The misconception that cloud migration entails increased risk holds many back from making the transition to modern, cloud-hosted services like Microsoft 365. But the opposite is true: The cloud offers tremendous opportunities for frictionless scaling and unmatched business agility—and to ensure your data is better protected and more secure than it ever was on-premises.
Join this eye-opening webinar and listen in as Barracuda’s Nicole Napiltonia goes deep in conversation with Microsoft CTO, David Totten and Cloud Solution Architect, Nills Franssens, along with Barracuda cloud data-protection specialist Tim Jefferson. Follow along as these innovative thought leaders share their insights about the extraordinary potential of the cloud—and how the close partnership between Microsoft and Barracuda is creating the tools and strategies you need to realize that potential.
Join us and find out what they’ve got to say about:
- Harnessing the resiliency of the cloud for data protection that on-premises solutions can’t match
- Understanding the value of a cloud-native approach to IT
- How Microsoft 365 serves as a platform for cloud-native development
And much more. Plus, see a detailed demonstration and explanation of Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup, the innovative data-protection solution built in and for the cloud. Find out exactly why Microsoft recommends Cloud-to-Cloud Backup to protect all your data in Microsoft 365.