[Partner Webinar] What is XDR and Why Does it Matter?

November 9, 2023
Available on-demand

About this webinar:

The cybersecurity industry is full of acronyms, and today, “XDR” is one that is not universally well understood. This acronym was introduced by Gartner in 2018. Flash forward to 2022 and many vendors claim they are offering ‘XDR’ in some form. But what does it actually mean? What can, and should, XDR do for an MSP and why is it such an important consideration?

Join John Deninno, seasoned cybersecurity professional and XDR expert, as he shares a clear overview guaranteed to de-mystify XDR for once and for all.

During this webinar, we will share:

  • What XDR is and what it is not
  • The benefits of XDR for MSPs and their customers
  • Things MSPs should look for when investigating an XDR solution

Our Speaker:

John Deninno
Sales Engineering Manager
MSP, Barracuda Networks

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